Books in Paradise #2

'Books in Paradise' is a comprehensive post, where I write about the new books on my shelf (bought, received for review, gotten from library and so on), the books I enjoyed reading, the books I'm currently reading and the books I'm planning to read next. Furhtermore I would share the books I added om my wishlist.

From now on 'Books in Paradise' will be posted every weekend (mostly on Sunday).

This week I only got one ebook, the German version of 'The Lost Symbol' by Dan Brown. The last part of the Robert Langdon Series was still missing in my shelf.

ღ Das verlorene Symbol - Dan Brown goodreads

I read four books this week. I've wanted to read more books, actually. But I've got a new bookshelf and I've spent some time to re-sort my books. The next days I'd post some pictures of it. This week two books belong to my favorite books:

ღ I heart New York - Lindsey Kelk goodreads
ღ Engelszorn - Nalini Singh goodreads

I'm currently reading:

ღ Anna Dressed in Blood - Kendare Blake goodreads

Next week I plan to read:


ღ Aftermath - Leonard Hilley II goodreads
ღ Ausgerechnet den? - Susann Elisabeth Phillips goodreads
ღ Der Märchenerzähler - Antonia Michaelis goodreads

My new favorite author is no one else than Nalini Singh. I've just ordered three books (US Version of the Guild Hunter Series) of her and I added the German version of the Psy Changeling Series on my wishlist:

ღ Leopardenblut - Nalini Singh goodreads
ღ Jäger der Nacht - Nalini Singh goodreads
ღ Eisige Umarmung - Nalini Singh goodreads
ღ Im Feuer der Nacht - Nalini Singh goodreads
ღ Gefangener der Sinne - Nalini Singh goodreads
ღ Sengende Nähe - Nalini Singh goodreads
ღ Ruf der Vergangenheit - Nalini Singh goodreads
ღ Fesseln der Erinnerung - Nalini Singh goodreads
ღ Wilde Glut - Nalini Singh goodreads
ღ Magische Verführung - Nalini Singh goodreads


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