Books in Paradise #5

'Books in Paradise' is a comprehensive post, where I write about the new books on my shelf (bought, received for review, gotten from library and so on), the books I enjoyed reading, the books I'm currently reading and the books I'm planning to read next. Furhtermore I would share the books I added om my wishlist.

From now on 'Books in Paradise' will be posted every weekend (mostly on Sunday).

I bought one book and received one for review (thanks to R.G. Bullet):

ღ Kiss me, Kill me (A Paranormal Romance Anthology) | goodreads
ღ The Caldecott Chronicles No. 1 - R.G. Bullet | goodreads

This time I read three books. Saint Nick by Wolfgang Hohlbein was an amazing fantasy story but it wasn't a new story. It is always the same: Christmas is in danger, Santa has lost his magic and now he has only three days left to find an elf and save christmas. Well, there is no book which belong to my favorite books this week.

I'm currently reading three books. I would read more, there are many good books on my TBR-Pile, but it is impossible for me. Well, these are the books I'm reading right now:

ღ Aftermath - Leonard Hilley | goodreads
ღ Der Märchenerzähler - Antonia Michaelis | goodreads
ღ Weihnachtsgeschichten - Nicole Stoye | goodreads

I haven't plan a book for reading next week, because it will be very difficult. I have a big To-Do-List and our children are rocking our home.

I added eight books on my wishlist:

ღ Into the Shadows - Karly Kirkpatrick | goodreads
ღ The Space Between - Brenna Yovanoff | goodreads
ღ Bag of Bones - Stephen King | goodreads
ღ Zeitenzauber: Die magische Gondel - Eva Völler | goodreads
ღ Masque of the Read Dead - Bethany Griffin | goodreads
ღ Shadow of the Sun - Laura Kreitzer | goodreads
ღ Soul Stalker - Laura Kreitzer | goodreads
ღ Angels' Flight - Nalini Singh | goodreads


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