Books in Paradise #8

'Books in Paradise' is a comprehensive post, where I write about the new books on my shelf (bought, received for review, gotten from library and so on), the books I enjoyed reading, the books I'm currently reading and the books I'm planning to read next. Furhtermore I would share the books I added om my wishlist.

'Books in Paradise' will be posted every weekend (mostly on Sunday). To view all my Books in Paradise posts click HERE.

ღ Der verborgene Stern - Nora Roberts | goodreads
ღ Böses Blut - Arne Dahl | goodreads

Read this week:
ღ Zeitenzauber - Eva Völler | goodreads
ღ Eine schöne Bescherung & Die mit dem Werwolf tanzt - Mary Janice Davidson | goodreads

Next week to read:
ღ Das Lied der Banshee - Janika Nowak| goodreads
ღ Anna Dressed in Blood - Kendare Blake| goodreads

Upcoming reviews (German):
ღ Wenn Du stirbst zieht Dein ganzes Leben an Dir vorbei, sagen Sie - Lauren Oliver | goodreads
ღ Eine schöne Bescherung - Mary Janice Davidson | goodreads
ღ Flammender Zorn - Suzanne Collins | goodreads

I have changed my goals for the 2012 Ebook Challenge. When I sign up for this challenge I decided to take the lowest level. But I love my iPad and my kindle-app. This is why I was changing my challenge goals. Instead of reading five ebooks, I will read 25 ebooks at least. Yeah!

What's new:
Today I worked a bit on or raither for my blog. Since today you can also find  from Books Paradise hanging out here: Facebook, Google+ & networkedBlogs. I am looking forward to see you as follower. Thanks and have a nice weekend.


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