NEW FEATURE: Monthly Book Balance #1

Hi bookish friends!

Monthly Book Balance is a new feature, where I am reviewing the actual month - books I enjoyed reading, books I reviewed, my choise for the Book of the Month and a short preview for the upcoming month. From now on this post will be posted every end of month.

 = German review
 = English  review

Book of the Month

Well, this is my first Book of the Month choice and what should I say, I've two Books of the Month, because I have chosen the English book Anna Dressed in Blood and the German book Zeitenzauber as Book of the Month. Both books are disparate to each other but they have one common ground: they were asolutely amazing!

Challenge Progress

New Books  
100+ Books In A Year
2012 Ebook Challenge
2012 TBR-Pile Reading Challenge
Horror & Urban-Fanatsy Challenge
Mystery & Suspense Reading Challenge
New Author Challenge
Soul Screamers Reading Challenge
Speculative Romance Reading Challenge  
Zombie Challenge

Books I reviewed

 Der Weihnachtsbesuch - Nicole Stoye
 Liebesmärchen in New York - Nora Roberts
 Das letzte Gefecht - Stephen King
 Eine schöne Bescherung - Mary Janice Davidson
 Wenn Du stirbst zieht Dein ganzes Leben an Dir vorbei - Lauren Oliver
 Flammender Zorn - Suzanne Collins
 My Soul to Lose - Rachel Vincent
 Der Märchenerzähler - Antonia Michaelis
 Anna Dressed in Blood - Kendare Blake
 Merlin der Magier: Episode 1 - Richard J. Lionheart
 Cat Fight - Zoe Winters
 Der achtarmige Tod - Wolfgang Hohlbein
 Die mit dem Werwolf tanzt - Mary Janice Davidson
 A Ghoulish Valentine - H.P. Mallory
 Zeitenzauber - Eva Völler

Books I enjoyed reading

There are many books I really enjoyed this month. It's a pity that I couldn't take a picture of my lovely eBooks but you can take a look on my physical copies I enjoyed reading:

 Anna Dressed in Blood - Kendare Blake
 Zeitenzauber - Eva Völler
ღ Kiss me Kill me - A paranormal anthology
ღ Strange Days II - Fred Ink
ღ Archangel's Kiss - Nalini Singh
ღ Das Lied der Banshee - Janika Nowak
ღ All I want for Christmas - Ros Clarke
ღ My Soul to Take - Rachel Vincent

Preview February

February will be an exciting month, especially for you bookish guys:

  • FBP's 1st Bloganniversary + Giveaway. Yeah!
  • Author Interview with an American Mystery Author
  • some interesting Reviews 


Pia on 31. Januar 2012 um 20:01 hat gesagt…

Jesus, I just LOVE your Layout! *jealous* Did you create it by yourself?

I didn't recognize that there's a zombie challenge. Maybe I'll go and look, maybe I'll participate. I'm really in Zombie historys recently and can't wait since Dearly, Departed, to read other :>

Stephanie from Books Paradise on 1. Februar 2012 um 19:47 hat gesagt…

Danke schön. Bei Dir kann ich ja auf deutsch schreiben.^^ Also es gab hiervon eine Vorlage, die heißt new-womentalk, allerdings habe ich diese (inkl. Header) gründlich bearbeitet und meinen Vorstellungen angepasst. :D

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