Cover Beach #26

Das ist wohl mit Abstand das Schönste Cover in der deutschen Übersetzung. Das mystische Grün mit den leuchtenden Farben im inneren des Portals - sehr gut ausgewählt.

City of Heavenly Fire - Chroniken der Unterwelt 6 by Cassandra Clare
Published on February 1st 2015
young adult, paranormal fantasy


Jace trägt nun das Himmlische Feuer in sich und Sebastian verkündet den finalen Schlag gegen die irdische Welt. Um zu verhindern, dass die Dämonen über die Städte herfallen, müssen Clary und Jace mit ihren Freunden in die Schattenwelt eindringen.

Wird es ihnen gelingen, Sebastians finstere Pläne zu stoppen, ohne selbst Schaden zu nehmen?

Als sie auf Clarys dunklen Bruder treffen, stellt er Clary vor eine schier unlösbare Aufgabe: Entweder sie kommt an seine Seite oder er vernichtet ihre Familie und Freunde, die Welt und alle Schattenjäger …

Cover Beach is a feature by Stephanie from Books Paradise. I love covers and I must confess that I usually buy my books by the cover. Yes, I know it isn't as right as rain... Cover Beach is also a post about covers I love (regardless of I would buy it), sometimes about the difference between German and English covers and something along those lines.

Cover Beach #25

Ab und zu auch mal ein Cover, bei dem die Kontraste nicht so groß sind. Dennoch gefällt mir die rauchende, halb verdorrte Blume. Und ein Buch was garantiert bald in meinem Regal steht.

Liv, Forever by Amy Talkington
Published on February 9th 2015
young adult, paranormal & mystery fantasy


Eine Liebe für die Ewigkeit …
Liv spürt augenblicklich, dass es im Internat »Wickham Hall« nicht mit rechten Dingen zugeht: Wer oder was verbirgt sich in dem alten Gemäuer? Weiß der scheinbar unnahbare Malcolm etwas darüber?

Liv verliebt sich in ihn. Unsterblich.

Doch dann wird Liv hinterrücks ermordet. Aber sie ist nicht tot, sondern geistert mit den Seelen vieler anderer verstorbener Mädchen durch die Schule. Ist sie verflucht? Wie lässt sich der Bann brechen? Kann Liv zu Malcolm zurückkehren? Bald stößt sie auf das dunkle Geheimnis von »Wickham Hall«.

Cover Beach is a feature by Stephanie from Books Paradise. I love covers and I must confess that I usually buy my books by the cover. Yes, I know it isn't as right as rain... Cover Beach is also a post about covers I love (regardless of I would buy it), sometimes about the difference between German and English covers and something along those lines.

Cover Beach # 24

Today I'll show you a dark colored cover, called Fragile Spirits. I like this dark feeling you get when you take a look on it. And of course I loved the hair color. Fragile Spirits is the second book in the Souls series, but the author mentioned: "reading Shattered Souls (the first book) is not a prerequisite. That's awesome!

Fragile Spirits by Mary Lindsey
#2 in the Souls series
Published January 23rd 2014
young adult, paranormal fantasy


Paul has always known he was a Protector, fated to serve a Speaker who could hear the voices of spirits lingering after death and help those souls find peace. Vivienne ignores the voices of the dead. Paul has always followed the Protector’s rule book, preparing diligently for the day when he’d be matched with his Speaker and fulfill his destiny. Vivienne never does what she’s told. So when Paul is matched with Vivienne, they both find the pairing less than satisfactory. But a kidnapping, a malevolent spirit and power stronger than both of them may just prove that they are two halves of the same whole. In a stunning story about the beauty of fate and the power of secrets, Mary Lindsey returns to the world of Shattered Souls with a breathtaking thrill-ride of a novel.

Cover Beach is a feature by Stephanie from Books Paradise. I love covers and I must confess that I usually buy my books by the cover. Yes, I know it isn't as right as rain... Cover Beach is also a post about covers I love (regardless of I would buy it), sometimes about the difference between German and English covers and something along those lines.

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